Linden raw (unprocessed) honey. Creamy (naturally crystallized). Kosher parve. 1lb/454g
Linden raw honey is a type of honey that is harvested from bees that have collected nectar from the flowers of linden trees. The honey is raw, which means that it has not been processed, heated or filtered, and retains all of its natural enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The honey is creamy in texture and has naturally crystallized, which is a sign of its purity and quality. The creaminess of the honey comes from the small crystals that have formed naturally in the honey due to the high content of glucose in linden nectar.
The honey is Kosher parve, which means it has been certified as suitable for consumption according to Jewish dietary laws. Linden raw honey can be enjoyed as a natural sweetener for tea, toast, and baked goods, and also has many health benefits due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.